- A single task describes a single issue, bug, feature, request, user story.
- If a task describes multiple things, it gets broken down into sub-tasks or a checklist
- Depending on the project size video calls with screen sharing may be scheduled to better understand the tasks
- The more information is provided for the task – the less time would be spent on project management and communications
- Preferred way for any frontend tasks is to have designs or wireframes with the style guide at minimum
- The tasks are initially assigned to the project managers, who depending on the requirements assign them to the right person or team, schedule meetings if necessary and get estimates
- When the task is being worked on, its marked as ‘In Progress’ and % of completion is updated frequently
- When the task is completed it’s marked as ‘Ready for QA’ and assigned to the Project Manager / QA /
- When someone adds a new comment to the project, it needs to be assigned to the right person
Please follow these steps to create and update tasks:
- Click on ‘Projects’ in the left menu
- Select the project you’d like to create a task for
- Go to the ‘Tickets’ tab
- Click ‘New Issue’
- Fill in the title, description, priority, due date and assign to the project manager.
- Ticket Types:
Feature – Features aren’t bugs. This option should be used for new things you’d like to create. Make sure to provide more details about the task
Bug – When things don’t work the way you specified in the requirements
Support – Questions related to working with the admin panel
DevOps – Hosting related tasks
Design – Web / Graphic Design
Epic – You aren’t really sure where it belongs
Question – You have a question that needs to be answered - Ticket Priorities:
Very Low – Solve within half a year
Low – Solve within a month
Normal – Solve within 2 weeks
High – Solve within 1 week
Urgent – Solve asap - Ticket Statuses:
New – Default
Estimate – The task needs an estimate before its should be worked on
In Progress – The task is being worked on
Ready For QA – The task should be reviewed by QA or product owner.
Done – Marked by the product owner only or with the approval
Close – The task has been closed without completing it, due to some
- Ticket Types:
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