Chances are if you’re reading this you’ve had a need, or currently need to hire a developer for something. Maybe you’ve got an app idea and want to build an MVP, or your company’s Shopify e-commerce store needs some updating? We get a lot of people asking us why we think it’s better to hire freelance developers, and we try to give unbiased responses, even though we are an On Demand Freelance Developer Hiring Platform. Since this question comes up so much we thought we’d take the time to research the facts, and present to you 5 Reasons Outsourced Freelance Developers Are Better For Business. We also custom made the infographic too! Please share it!
- Save Time: Freelance Developers save time. That’s a fact. Take it from us at BuildaTeam where we save our clients months of recruitment work, by vetting and hiring freelance developers using our proprietary testing method we’ve developed over the years. This tool was designed to quickly vet a freelancer’s skill set vs. the client’s need and save everyone time in the hiring process. We’re not the only solution either (although we’d like to think we are the best). Hiring internally is a long term solution, and can take several months to find a solid team fit. Freelance Developers, on the other hand, don’t need to meet the team physically and usually only work on a specific project, on a contractual basis. Because of this, they can start working quickly, saving your organization tons of time.
- Save Money: The average full-time software developer in the United Stated earned a $99,510 salary in 2014 and no doubt that figure is growing annually. Unless your company is prepared to pay that kind of salary for a full-time team member then sourcing a freelance web and or mobile development freelance is your best option. The average freelance developer is charging $73/hour so you can imagine the cost savings for your business! For instance, the average website redesign is between 30-100 hours of work for a freelance developer, yet a full-time employee may drag that work out over a few months of paid salary. You do the math.
- Get More Done: For any of us who have ever worked from home for a day, or been a digital nomad we’re sure you’ve noticed that saving time getting ready, and getting to the office has allowed you to crush half of your to-do list before you would even be in the office normally. Well, that enhanced productivity time is a constant for most freelance developers. The average commute to work in the U.S takes over 25 minutes each way, not to mention the time it takes to get ready, chatting in the office, distractions etc. Bottom line, freelance developers get more done for your money, period.
- More Experience: This is a no-brainer. Freelance developers normally juggle multiple projects and gigs at the same time, often from several differing industries and technologies as well. This wide range of work allows freelancers to gain a much more varied experience than their full-time counterparts who work years often on one project at a time. More experience means more usefulness to you as the hiring manager. Again, get more shit done!
- More Talent: The freelancer workforce is exploding, yet it’s getting harder and harder to source and hire fulltime software developers. There are currently over 60 million Freelance Software Developers in the U.S and half of the entire American workforce is expected to do some sort of freelancing by the year 2020 (although, admittedly this is not just Software related freelancing but still, cool figure right?). Focusing on hiring a freelancer will greatly open up your options no matter where in the world you are.
So there you have it. 5 Solid reasons to start looking for freelance software developers for your next website or mobile development project. In case you needed any further discussions, advice or info on who to hire for your project, our Project Managers are always standing by, ready to chat with you, for free! Email us any questions you have and we’d be happy to help you. For more info on what we do as a company, and how we help companies hire the world’s best software development freelancers please visit our site here. Also make sure to check out Clockspot – Saving your organization tons of time.