1. Service Provider Profile
Candidates that apply to work at BuildATeam fill in extended profile information that includes personal identification, education, certificates, employment, experience, skills and specializations, address, availability, contacts, financial information and contracts.
2. Tests and Interviews
Next, all candidates are given tests, go through an English interview and receive a requirements sheet from a real life situation that they must solve within a specific timeframe. Designers receive design tasks. Frontend developers receive PSD files that include minor details that are very important to notice and turn into code. Backend developers receive tasks with features that include databases, server side programming, API’s etc. DevOps get Docker / Cloud related tasks.
3. Online Video Interview
This is an online video interview. Candidates are required to prepare their preferred tools and ready to share their screens. The interview starts with theoretical questions. After that we offer several logical problems for the candidates to solve on the spot. This helps ensure that experts we work with have good skills and can operate under pressure.
4. Trial Period
Not every expert that knows what to do always fits in. It’s important to keep in mind personalities, work history and team dynamics to make sure team operates efficiently. Within the first week candidates work on internal trial projects or under strict supervision of team leads. Only after being fully confident in how the expert performs within a team and independently we consider the interview process over.